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  • CTRL Plan
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  • Building electricity?
    Industrial Controls?
    Design your systems easily!

    Looking for an easy to use, online electrical design application?

    Do you need to quickly position the outlets and switches on an architectural plan?

    You want to draw single line plans for a switchboard?

    Are you designing industrial automation cabinets, or machines?

    Wanna share your plans easily with a QR code on the cabinet, instead of on paper?

    Connections   Wire marking

    Choose CTRL Plan online electrical control designer application!

    • Standard

      1 user

      Unlimited number of projects

      1 plan in each project

      5 pages in each plan

      Ideal for planning electicity of smaller building (location of device on floorplan, single line drawing of switchboard), or control cabinets for simple industrial machines

      2950 HUF + VAT / month
      (for 12 month subscription, or 3500 HUF + VAT / mo paid each month)

    • Pro

      1 user

      Unlimited number of projects

      Unlimited number of plans in each project

      Unlimited number of pages in each plan

      Customer service for questions about usage of the system

      Ideal for planning electricity of complex buildings, or control cabinets for large industrial machines

      6250 HUF + VAT / month
      (for 12 month subscription, or 7500 HUF + VAT / mo paid each month)

    • Enterprise

      Cooperation of multiple users

      Unlimited number of projects

      Unlimited number of plans in each project

      Unlimited number of pages in each plan

      Priority customer service with reaction time within a workday

      Read-only plans shareable with link in QR code to be displayed on control cabinets, readable on mobiles

      Ideal for planning projects of large companies and workgroups.

      12500 HUF + VAT / month / user
      (for 12 month subscription, or 15000 HUF + VAT / mo / user paid each month)